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People's Tabernacle Church is a Full Gospel, Spirit-filled church! You can expect to hear vibrant, old fashion preaching and teaching from God’s Word, and Spirit-filled, hymns and worship music. People's Tabernacle Church believes in the moving and operation of the Holy Spirit.

Lifeline Connection Classes – 9:30AM – 10:15AM

(Classes for all ages)
Sunday Morning Worship – 10:30AM
Sunday Evening Worship – 6:00PM

Wednesday Evening Worship – 7:00PM


People's Tabernacle Church is located at 64 Airways Blvd, Savannah, Tennessee
Church Office Phone Number: 731-727-8242

Senior/Lead Pastors:

Pastor Josh & Ashley Franks

Pastor Josh & Ashley Franks have been serving as Lead/Senior Pastor at People's Tabernacle since September, 2015.
While they still maintain a very busy schedule on the road as a Southern Gospel Duo, Pastor Josh & Ashley minister in most all services.

To learn more about our Pastors, visit:

PTC Care Pastors:
Rannie & Jeannie_edited.png

Rannie & Jeannie Moore

The Moore's served as Youth Pastors at PTC more than 25 years ago. During their time away, Pastor Rannie founded and pastored the Soul’s Harbor Church. From 2011 - 2021, they have served as Co-Pastors in Selmer, Tennessee. Pastor Rannie and Sister Jeannie helps assist and care for the needs of our church family. 

PTC Student Pastors:

Caleb & Kelli Conley

Caleb and Kelli Conley were married December 10th 2011. They have been in ministry for over thirteen years. As Children’s Pastors, Youth Pastors, Family Pastors and Guest Ministers As Family Pastors their desire and heart has always been for the next generation to come to know Jesus as Savior, have a passionate walk with Him and see His Kingdom Come and His will be done.

Caleb was born and raised in a Pastor’s home in the central Arkansas area and is a dedicated and tortured Arkansas Razorback fan. Kelli is from Vicksburg Mississippi and was raised in an educator's home and has a deep love for Family, friends and the outdoors.

They have a beautiful daughter named Kenna who are two years old and they have a thirteen year old dog Sam who they have had his whole life.


Statement of Faith

People's Tabernacle Church

(731) 727.8242


20 Airways Blvd.

Savannah, TN 38372


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